Online Tips for beauty

i should think everyone is bored by now with hearing the same old stuff about losing weight, so perhaps it’s time for a new slant on the same old same old . . .
get your head right Seven new(ish) tips to help with your weight loss

1. Get your head right

This is my number one tip for losing weight. It’s no good trying to lose weight because ‘you have to’. You really must want to do it, otherwise it is so much harder to achieve and maintain what you work for. Read magazines, set challenging but achievable targets, makes plans and get not just motivated but excited about what you are doing.
bread basket Seven new(ish) tips to help with your weight loss

2. Stop eating bread

Not that bread is particularly bad for you, especially whole grain and seeded breads, but it’s what goes with it that’s the problem. First of all there’s spread, then the filling, then the accompaniment to the filling. And a sandwich doesn’t really fill you up, so you have something with the sandwich as well! Without trying, it’s quite easy to get a light sandwich lunch up to the same number of calories as a main evening meal. Giving up bread forces you to be more creative about light meals and therefore thinking about the calories you are eating.
sloppy giuseppe Seven new(ish) tips to help with your weight loss

3. Eat Pizza

Well, not exactly, but the point here is to find foods that will satisfy you and fit into your calorie plan. There is a good variety of foods that are good value in terms of calories, so there’s no need to stick to salads, chicken and rice! For example, to satisfy my pizza cravings, I’ll have an 8” Pizza Express Sloppy Guiseppe (available at most UK supermarkets) which is only 600kcal. Some of my clients suck on maltesers (you can get them in 100kcal packs over here) to meet their chocolate requirements; others incorporate a mars bar or an occasional burger into their calorie allowance. I have built up a personal list of great value foods in terms of taste, satisfaction and calories.
cheat meal Seven new(ish) tips to help with your weight loss

4. Cheat

Or ‘be free’! It is difficult to maintain a strict regime for a long time, so incorporate cheat days or free days, perhaps once a week, into your plan. This doesn’t give you permission to gorge yourself on a week’s worth of calories in one day, but allows you to have a nice meal – perhaps your favourite takeout – every now and again without the guilt. Knowing you have a nice meal to look forward to makes it easier to be disciplined for the rest of the week.
step on gum Seven new(ish) tips to help with your weight loss

5. Chew gum while you shop

If the food’s not in your house then you can’t eat it – so don’t buy it. It is much easier to resist tempting foods if you are chewing gum while you shop – the minty flavour stops you getting a taste in your mind of what you see, so you have to make a conscious decision to purchase rather than a disciplined decision not to.
tap water Seven new(ish) tips to help with your weight loss

6. Drink water for the right reason

Drinking water is an old tip, but few people know the main reason why water helps weight loss. (In fact, it may be almost impossible to burn fat without drinking enough water.)
Your liver converts stored fat into energy and if you are losing weight then that is exactly what you want it to do, without distraction. Your liver, however, also acts as a back up to the kidneys in detoxifying the body. If your kidneys do not get enoughwater then they will not function as well as they could and your liver will stop converting fat and start helping the kidneys.
There’s lots of other good stuff as well – water increases your metabolism, reduces appetite, helps your muscles work properly, helps digestion, etc, so no more excuses.
weight loss scale Seven new(ish) tips to help with your weight loss

7. Remember small numbers mean big weight loss

People get despondent if they ‘only lose a kilo or a pound in a week’, but remember even one pound is a substantial amount. Next time you are shopping, grab yourself a pound of butter and see how big it is – that’s how much you just lost from your belly!
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Keep It Simple, Silly
The first lesson here is to keep everything simple. Guys like girls who are sorted out and easy to be with, but difficult to get. Keep your opinions, suggestions and advice on something very simple and clear. When you are with him, don’t complicate things when they aren’t required. Don’t try to ask him too much about himself and don’t tell too much about yourself. If he asks you a question, answer it and if you don’t want to, tell him you can’t and why you can’t do so. Too much of information right from the start, make company boring later. If you don’t like something about him or a certain way he behaves in, tell him nicely about it. Do not act in a way that implies what you think, keep it straight. Even the relationship status should be simple. Either you are friends or you are dating and are in a relationship. A girl who is easy, will never be taken seriously! Even if you love the guy, no dignity for yourself, will also mean less respect in his eyes!
Say No to the Jealousy Act
While knowing how to act around a guy you like, always remember this one lesson. Never try to make him jealous. No guy likes competition in the slightest form. There will be times when you might want to show him that you can get anyone you want. However, at such times, he’s going to think, you can settle for anyone and have no feelings for him. If you like a guy, the first you need to do is maintain a healthy distance from all guys and guy friends. Let him know that you are a girl who takes time in knowing someone and being close to someone. There may be men who fall for you during this time, but if you have your eyes on this one guy, set good boundaries for the others. Sometimes, you might want some attention yourself, given the fact that you aren’t getting enough from someone you like. You have to consciously remember that this will work against you!
Healthy Flirting
Just being that sweet and simple is not enough as this doesn’t show your feelings for that guy. Maybe he is waiting for some sort of signals from your side to proceed ahead. Guys take time to understand, so it’s important that you show him you like him. Flirt a little, but keep it more witty and intelligent than romantic or sensuous. Healthy flirting should exist in every relationship, even between a husband and wife. Flirt with him once in a while, and he’ll know you are thinking exactly what he’s thinking. Also, he will understand a different side of yours and would want to know more about you. Flirting helps in many ways and there is not one reason why you shouldn’t resort to it. Say something with a double meaning once in a while and smile slyly. This will surely surprise him in no time. However, don’t get down to flirting in such a way that you look desperate.
Show Him What You Are
Not many people know the good stuff about all of us in the first few meetings. If you want a guy to notice the good in you, you have to show it to him. Even then, he might take some time to realize. If you have an attribute, get it out in front of him. The more he likes something about you, the more he likes you. Make sure he doesn’t see your weak points that often, like, your temper or your vulnerability. If you are a good student, make sure he knows about it. If you are a good cook, tell him about that too. This would also be a great excuse to invite him over for dinner. This way, he’ll know a lot of stuff about you that is good. This might make you look like a great prospect, if you don’t already seem like one. Once in a while, also let him know about the things you like in him. After all, he shouldn’t feel all lost, in comparison with that goodness.
Dress to Attract
This isn’t the most important tip to tell you how to behave around a guy you like, but it surely cannot be ignored. Guys understand physical attraction better than anything. They are immediately attracted to girls who look good. Attracting guys can take time, of course. If you are looking for a long term committed relationship, concentrate more on looking pretty and beautiful than looking hot. Pretty, well dressed girls always come across as sweet people. Your appearance and the way you dress is your first communication with person, before you even speak a single word. If you are dressed in an erotic manner or are careless about hygiene, the guy will be repulsed immediately. He might reject you even before he considers dating you. When you are around him, always try to be the simple, pretty and innocent (not very and irritatingly) girl.
These tips will surely help you know how to act around a guy you like in no time. Soon, you will be able to tell which are the things that are improving the situation and which ones aren’t. Always remember to respect the guy you like and make him feel comfortable. Guys take a long time to express their emotions and the only way they can do this sooner, is if they find a comfort zone. Try to build this comfort zone for him. Be his emotional backup and his companion in good times! That’s all you need to do. When you are with him, be physically and mentally present. Soon, he’ll value your company and eventually, he’ll start valuing you as a person.
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Men love to have their thoughts ruled by sex. It is their natural tendency to think of sex every hour of a day. However, being monotonous in sexual activities is a turn-off for men. They love to be experimental to enhance the sexual pleasure. Sexual fantasies find no limit for men as they find various ideas to be exciting and sexually satisfying. The sections below discuss the top 10 sexual fantasies that most of the men wish to fulfill at least once in the lifetime.
Three Is Not a Crowd
Men often fantasize to get sexually engaged with two women at a time. The most exciting part of the fantasy is to let the women spice it up with lesbian actions. Sexual fun increases twofold for men with the thought of being served by two women. Even if they are not able to fulfill this fantasy, men count it among the most arousing sexual thoughts.
Sharing – The Old Habit
While most of the men would hesitate admitting it, sharing their women with other men is one common fantasy for them. They may also wish to watch their women having sexual intercourse with men who are strangers. This kind of fantasy is relished by men as they are able to watch the sexual expressions of their female partners while being with other men.
Stealing the ‘Backdoor’ Fun
Men often wish to try something which is extremely denied by women. Fantasizing about anal sex is what rules the minds of many men. It is the constant denial of their women that further excites men about penetrating anus. That entering an anus can be more pleasurable than a vaginal intercourse fuels the thoughts of men in this direction.
Getting Experience with the Experienced Ones
Talking about men in the age group of 18-25, fantasizing about getting laid with mature and experienced women is on the top among their sexual fantasies. School and college teachers and hot women in the neighborhood are often eyed by these men, who are in the process of discovering the thrilling world of sex.
Dominating and Getting Dominated
Men, especially those who have alpha male qualities, love to behave like an emperor with their women. They are dominating in nature and fantasize being the daddy in the bed. At the same time, getting dominated by allowing women to take the control is another sexual fantasy many men cherish. In any case, domination is a key to pleasure for men.
Oral Performance before the Showdown
Though most of the women disapprove it, it doesn’t stop men from fantasizing oral foreplay. Those who have experienced it, fantasize to get it even more frequently. It is interesting to note that men show equal enthusiasm in providing oral sex pleasure to their female partners. It is a treat for them to watch their women arousing through oral stimulation.
Changing the Backdrop for Fun
Men find their bedroom as boring to repeat the sexual acts. They would fantasize other areas of the house to have a spiced up sexual encounter. From bathtubs to kitchen shelves, there are many favorite spots of men where they fantasize fulfilling their sexual expeditions. Staircase, balcony, terrace and every possible area of the house is the perfect backdrop for them to get laid.
Outdoor Sex for Outstanding Fun
Having a sexual experience outdoors is thrilling for men. They would fantasize having sex inside a car, on a beach or even in the public changing room. The thrill of getting caught is surprisingly a turn-on for them. Their imagination can convert ant part of the world into their sex playground.
Exhibiting the Show
Men won’t mind others to watch them performing sexually. It is in fact a wild fantasy for them to exhibit their sexual abilities to others. Fantasizing the idea of being watched while engaged in sex encourages them to videotape their acts. This also allows them to share their performance with their friends later on.
Performance in Her Birth Suit
A nude dancing female body is like an extravagance for men. It is the naturally curved bodies of women that men love to see engaged in a dance performance. Going further, the performance that begins with stripping is like an icy on the cake. Another add-on for the men is to watch nude women dancing while their own hands tied-up. Getting teased in this way adds to their power and burning desires to enjoy.
There is no limit to the sexual fantasies that actually work to increase the pleasure manifolds. Women may deny, but they love to be the part of these fantasies to share the unlimited fun.
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Hairstyles Men Definitely Love
Well, contrary to the public opinion, men actually notice and know for sure what hairstyle they love on you. We’ve picked out hairstyles men definitely love for you to clear up which of your looks are his favorite ones.

Luxuriant Natural Waves

Hairstyles Men Definitely Love
Luxuriant yet natural hair waves is the hairstyle men love the most about woman’s beauty look. The explanation is that sexy hair waves are perfect for running fingers through… That is why don’t abuse various hair styling mousses and hair sprays to keep waves natural and soft.

Classic Blowout

Hairstyles Men Definitely Love
Straight glossy hair is an undoubted sign of woman’s health, that’s why men instinctively prefer women with smooth straight hair. Blow out your hair using narrow hairdryer nozzle; it will help you to make hair smooth and straight faster.

‘Just-out-of-bed’ look

Hairstyles Men Definitely Love
‘Just-out-of-bed’ look is one of the easiest yet sexiest hair options every man definitely loves. Apply a bit of hair styling mousse to wet hair and then air-dry.


Hairstyles Men Definitely Love
Classic version of ponytail is the hairstyle men definitely love. The matter is that when your hair is done up in a tight ponytail, men’s attention is attracted to one of the most alluring parts of your body, NECK!
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Best Homemade Natural Beauty Remedies

treatment can do marvels to your skin, hair and nails if mixed and applied properly. Besides, if you are in need of cheap and effective beauty treatment, there is no better option than homemade natural beauty remedies. Include the following set of the best homemade natural beauty remedies in your daily beauty routine to revitalize your beauty look.
Natural ingredients used for beauty treat

Orange Scrub

Best Homemade Natural Beauty Remedies
Mix pulp and juice of a medium orange with two spoonsful of cornmeal. Apply to your face with circular motions and leave for a couple of minutes. Then rinse with warm water. Use this scrub twice a week to revitalize your complexion and remove dead cells.

Vinegar Hair Rinse

Best Homemade Natural Beauty Remedies
Use diluted vinegar to rinse your hair. This natural remedy can make your tresses look shiny and healthy. Only after a few sessions you will definitely notice its positive effect.

Watermelon Facial Mask

Best Homemade Natural Beauty Remedies
Being one of the best natural homemade beauty remedy, watermelon can therewith adapt to any skin type. Mix 2 spoons of watermelon juice with the same amount of lime juice and 1 spoonful of honey. Apply the derived mixture to your face and leave for 15-20 minutes and after rinse with warm water.

Almond Oil for Velvety Hands

Best Homemade Natural Beauty Remedies
Rub a bit of almond oil into your hand skin and cuticles and wrap up your hands in towels for 15-20 minutes. Then blot your hands with washcloth to remove oil excess or rinse your hands with warm water. Almond oil is rich in Vitamin E and antioxidants that are necessary to moisturize and prevent skin from ageing.

Egg Hair Mask

Best Homemade Natural Beauty Remedies
In need of fast and easy remedy that can make your hair shiny right after the first session. Then natural homemade hair mask made of eggs is exactly what you need. Mix 1 egg, 2 spoons of sesame oil, and 2 spoons of coconut oil, apply the mask to dry hair and leave for 10-15 minutes. After using your fave shampoo wash off the mask.
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Beauty radiates from the inside. That is why to keep your hair beautiful and gorgeous you are to eat properly opting for certain food rich in special vitamins and minerals. Learn what you should eat to get gorgeous shiny hair.

Foods for Gorgeous Hair
If you want to get gorgeous shiny hair you should feed it with proper nutrients. So first of all make sure you eat a healthy balanced diet, containing whole grain, fruits, vegetables and other foods rich in protein and omega-3 fatty acids. Read on to find out the whole listing of essential foods for gorgeous hair.


Foods for Gorgeous Hair
Carrots are rich in Vitamin A that is necessary for healthy scalp and consequently for gorgeous glossy hair. Besides, carrots can help to improve your eyesight.


Foods for Gorgeous Hair
Salmon is literally stuffed with omega-3 fatty acids that never better influence upon hair, making it glossy and scalp healthy. Moreover salmon is a great source of such vitamins as cyanocobalamin or Vitamin B12 and iron.


Foods for Gorgeous Hair
No matter how you prefer eating eggs, whether it be scrambled, fried, or poached, eggs are the best source of protein you can only find. Besides eggs contain vitamin B12 and biotin that is constructive if to speak about hair beauty and scalp health.

Leafy Vegetables

Foods for Gorgeous Hair
Green leafy veg such as spinach, romaine lettuce, leaf lettuce, mustard greens or collard greens, chicory and Swiss chard provide our body with a proper amount of iron that helps in creating glossy and healthy hair look.

Nuts and Seeds

Foods for Gorgeous Hair
Include nuts and seeds in your hair-care diet plan, as for instance walnuts, cashews, almonds or pecans are rich in zinc as well as omega-3 fatty acids that are necessary to condition hair.
Besides, low fat dairy, poultry, legumes and lentils and roast beefare the other foods that necessarily should be included in your healthy diet plan for gorgeous hair.
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Our skin is the first thing people notice about us. And no makeup can help if you suffer from various skin problems. It is absolutely essential to find out and eradicate the reason that causes pimples, irritations and other skin problems. The reasons can be really diversified starting from unhealthy diet to our own beauty habits. Let’s find out which of your usual yet harmful beauty habits cause skin problems and how to quit them.

Harmful Beauty Habit #1: Sleeping with your makeup on

Top 5 Harmful Beauty Habits that Cause Skin Problems
Sleeping with your makeup on is an absolute no-no if you want to have beautiful, healthy skin. Just imagine you are going to expose your skin to a real torture, sleeping with a day’s worth of makeup, grease and oil on your skin is a one-way ticket to clogged pores and as a result serious skin problems.

Harmful Beauty Habit #2: Using expired cosmetics

Very often we don’t even think that our fave mascara has a very limited lifetime. The same goes to beauty aids and other makeup products. Carefully follow the use-by date instructions given to one or another makeup product and never use cosmetics more than 12 months after opening it. (The sign below indicates how long cosmetics can be used after opening. Find it on the packaging. )
Top 5 Harmful Beauty Habits that Cause Skin Problems

Harmful Beauty Habit #3: Reapplying your makeup

Never reapply your makeup during the day. You can’t even imagine how harmful reapplying of makeup is for your skin. Reapplying of foundation or blush over your morning makeup will clog your pores and as a result cause irritation, pimples and acne. It is better to invest in matte cosmetic tissues that would cleanse your skin and matt at the same time.

Harmful Beauty Habit #4: Overexfoliation

Top 5 Harmful Beauty Habits that Cause Skin Problems
Although exfoliation is a key point in your daily beauty routine, you shouldn’t try too hard. Remember, everything is good in moderation, thus overexfoliation can result in intensifying oil production that leading to breakouts and acne. Only gentle scrubs and exfoliators can be used every day.

Harmful Beauty Habit #5: Using dirty makeup brushes

Top 5 Harmful Beauty Habits that Cause Skin Problems
Makeup brushes require proper care and cleansing. Using dirty makeup brushes can run into various skin problems. Makeup brushes accumulate cosmetics particles as well as dead skin cells creating a perfect environment for bacterias. Learn our tips on makeup brushes care and cleaning to keep your skin healthy and beautiful.
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1. Women don’t like or enjoy sex.
Is there anyone who still believes this? Read an issue of Cosmopolitan or watch an episode of Sex and the City, and you’ll know what’s up. When you’re fighting hard for that tiny little bang (which is supposed to be your orgasm) while your girl has just gone off for the third time in a row, it makes you wonder who really enjoys sex more, right?
Whenever you go out, keep this in mind: The girl you’re talking to wants to have sex every bit as much as you do. It’s just that she needs more time to relax and lose her inhibitions, because society is likely to label a more sexually active girl a “whore.” Just provide the circumstances in which she can feel comfortable in your company, and the rest is guaranteed.
2. Women don’t like porn and aren’t turned on by visual triggers.
There’s an urban legend that women don’t like to watch porn — well, my friend, it’s time to blow that one out of the water. The fact is they DO like to watch porn — it’s just that they won’t admit it. According to my girlfriends and countless other women I’ve asked, upon seeing a new men, a woman always looks at his ass first — and even librarian types will sneak a second or third glance.
Although women tend to be more attuned to their other senses — sounds and smells — than men, visual triggers are just as important to them. Your girlfriend will occasionally watch a porn flick when she’s horny, although she won’t spend an hour every day searching for sex on Google.
3. Women like badass machos who are rough and don’t show any emotion.
It’s a common misconception in our society that men should be as badass as Chuck Norris and never cry or show any emotion. If you think this is the key to getting laid, then I hate to be the one to break it to you, but being badass won’t make you a man.
A man is confident and knows how to lead a woman and how to make decisions. But a man should also be passionate and capable of showing emotion toward a woman.
Would you prefer a teddy bear to a real, live girl? Just as you like it when your girlfriend gives you a kiss or caresses your face, she also likes to feel the same kindness from you.
4. Women need a lot of freedom, and they hate to be controlled.
Don’t be afraid to show emotion and tenderness when you’re with a girl — but please be careful not to become a wimp and lose control. A woman likes to be controlled by a strong man to a certain degree, and to keep her, you must be prepared to give her your own special brand of “tough love.”
A girl likes to feel secure and likes to have a guy who is able to protect her. But how can she feel secure that you can provide for her properly if you let her take control? Taking control might feel nice to her the first time she does it. But after a while, she finds it increasingly boring and tiresome.
A woman does need freedom to a certain degree, but at the same time, she likes to be taken care of. Thus, a man who knows how to walk that thin line between giving her enough space and making all her decisions for her will be very attractive to a woman.
5. Men need to become players and develop serious game to attract women.
To attract women, you don’t need any fancy techniques or skills. What you DO need is to learn how to take care of yourself and dress properly, to develop certain social skills, to live your life with passion (note that passion doesn’t have to mean bungee jumping; you can be passionate about everyday things too) and to learn how to loosen up and be yourself around women.
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There’s more to kissing than most people think. These are collections of facts about kissing. Some are brought by science or show business.
1. Thirty-seven percent of men keep their eyes open while kissing whereas 97 percent of women close theirs.
2. A one minute kiss can burn as many as twenty six calories.
3. Research shows that almost every muscle in the body can be used when two people kiss.
4. It is said that if you kiss a person with the same hair color as you, the result is more passionate.
5. In a lifetime we can expect to receive some 25,000 kisses, ranging from pecks on the cheek to the full-blown weak-at-the-knees variety.
6. Our brains have special neurons which help us to locate another pair of lips in the dark.
7. A kiss can be ten times more effective than morphine in reducing pain, as it’s thought that it activates the body’s natural pain-killers. So when a mother tells her injured child that she’ll kiss it better, that’s exactly what she does.
8. The Ancient Egyptians kissed with their noses. Lips didn’t come into it.
9. The average person spends around fourteen days of their life kissing.
10. The longest kiss lasted for 17 days, 10½ hours in Chicago, 1984. The longest screen kiss between Jane Wyman and Reg Toomey, who smooched for 185 seconds in You’re in the Army Now in 1940.
11. It is still technically illegal in Indiana for a mustached man to “habitually kiss human beings.”
12. In medieval Italy, if a couple were seen kissing, they could be forced to marry.
13. The most famous screen kiss of all time has got to be Between Clark Gable and Vivien Leigh in Gone With the Wind. But in reality, Gable’s false teeth and whisky-laden breath made Leigh shudder with distaste!
14. Kissing acts as a beauty treatment. It makes your eyes shine and your skin glow.
15. Babies who are kissed are often more affectionate in later life.
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Tip 1: Relax and enjoy the kiss
When you are nervous or tense your partner will feel this in your kiss and be able to see it because of your body language. So you need to stay relaxed. When you are worried you will not be able to concentrate on the French kiss. This can prove disastrous. You don’t want to be thinking about something else while you are kissing your partner. So it is important to relax and respond naturally. This will help you partner to relax too.
Tip 2: Variety
Vary your kissing so that your partner will not know exactly what you will do next. You want to experiment with the pressure of your lips and the speed of the kiss. Don’t get sloppy or to eager. Just find out what your partner and you like without going overboard.
Tip 3: Come up for air once in a while
You will need to come up for air every once in a while because no one will enjoy kissing when they can’t breathe. You can kiss other areas lightly such as the neck while you are catching your breath. Then start the French kissing again.
Tip 4: Use your whole body
Put your hands on your partners back or hips. When you hold your body stiffly you will be making your partner feel the same way. Remember that it is important to relax. Don’t get overly sexual but make sure that your body is not stiff.
Tip 5: Let it flow naturally
The best French kisses will come naturally between you and your partner. When you and your partner are relaxed the kiss will naturally flow where you want it to go.
Follow these French kissing tips and you will be better at French kissing in no time. It may take you some time but you will know when you have it right because your partner will love to be kissed by you anytime.
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thai-style fish and chips


Fish and chips! There is nothing more British than fish and chips! It is the national dish! Fillets of haddock or cod are mostly used, are covered in batter and deep fried until golden brown. Fish and chips is a popular takeaway food which originated in the United Kingdom. It consists of deep fried fish, served with freshly chipped potatoes.
Britain’s favourite accompaniment to fish and chips is salt and vinegar but depending on the region. Others are mushy peas, tomato ketchup, curry sauce, and gravy. As for me, I always like to have with Maggi chili sauce.
Fish and chips remains very popular in the UK and also its colonies like Australia, New Zealand, and parts of North America. As far as I could remember, the best fish and chips I have ever had was not in the UK, but in Australia. To be more precise, it was in Fremantle, Perth, Western Australia.
Ok…. I didn’t use the whole fillet. Rather, it should be called goujons of cod with chips. Goujon is the French word for small, fried strips of fish. I think  it is easier to cook small chunky cut of cod and looks nicer.
I like to buy fish loin (even meat too!) Cod loin is great as the flesh is chunky and thick, which makes it less easy to break into pieces, especially in deep-frying. You want to keep the whole filet together when you deep-fry, so you just need to pay a bit more attention when you buy fish fillets, make sure they are not too thin.
So, why is it called Thai-Style fish and chips? Well, I didn’t make the fish and chips beer batter. The recipe that I use is inspired by one of the recipes in a cooking magazine.  I really like it as I think it makes a change in serving fish and chips. This is not a traditional British fish and chips but I think it’s just as good!

thai-style fish and chips

Yield: 4 persons


400ml sunflower oil
125g plain flour, plus extra for dusting
1 tsp baking powder
2 tbsp fish sauce
50g desiccated coconut
2 tbsp chilli powder
1 tbsp dried coriander
700g cod fillet, skinned
1 lemon, quartered


1. Fill a medium, heavy-based saucepan with sunflower oil. Heat until a cube of bread browns in 20 seconds.
2. Sift the flour and baking powder into a bowl. Add 175ml cold water and fish sauce and gradually mix together to make a smooth batter. Stir in the coconut, chili powder, and dried coriander. Add 1-2 tbsp of cold water if the batter is a little stiff.
3. Cut the cod into chunky strips, about 2.5cm across. Season with salt, then lightly dust with the flour and shake off the excess. Dip the fish into the batter, then fry in batches (4-5 pieces at a time) for 5 minutes, until crisp and golden brown. Lift out and drain briefly on kitchen paper.
4. Divide the cod between 4 serving plates. Serve with lemon halves and some chips and chili sauce, if you like.
For chips recipe, click here.
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Summer 2011 Hair Trend: Waterfall French Braid
Working perfect both for straight and wavy hair, waterfall French braid has become a perfect hairstyle for hot summertime. And no wonder as it is very easy to DIY; it looks chic and elegant and can keep your hair off your face (that is so important in hot summer days). Besides, all kinds of braids are absolute hair trends for Summer 2011.
To create this fairytale braided hairstyle you are to follow several easy steps. Make sure you watch the Waterfall French braid tutorial:

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get your jelly on – day 23: pandan spaghetti & strawberry agar agar

What a fun day I had! Basically I just had my hands on the molecular cooking again! I don’t know if I am getting addicted to it now but I think I will make more experiment in the future. For today’s Royal Selangor - Get Your Jelly On– 30-day Challenge, I have something really interesting called pandan spaghetti &  strawberry agar agar. I think, what I really love about this dish is the pandan spaghetti! With my first attempt of agar form of spaghetti, I can see that I am going to use this method more in the future.
I got my spaghetti kit a few weeks ago and I have to say that I have been having fun using it! I chose pandan because I love its vibrant green colour and of course its fragrant. I prepared the pandan juice and used agar agar in the mixture. Then, draw the juice into the syringe and inject into all the tubes before chilling in an ice bath. It’s hard to describe my reaction when the spaghetti was set and ready to action!
As for the strawberry agar agar, there are 2 layers – chopped strawberries in vanilla scented syrup and the bottom layer is strawberry puree. I used the Royal Selangor Pewter Jelly Mould to make this beautiful 2 layer agar agar with different texture. I hope you will love this agar agar!
I have also summarised all the dishes that I have made so far for this challenge. Which one do you like best?

pandan spaghetti & strawberry agar agar

Yield: 2 persons


For pandan spaghetti:
4 pandan leaves, roughly chopped
100ml water
2 tbsp sugar
2g agar agar
For strawberry in vanilla syrup:
100ml water
1 tsp vanilla essence
2 drops red colouring
2g agar agar
3 strawberries, chopped
For strawberry purée:
20 strawberries, trimmed
3g agar agar


1. To make the pandan spaghetti, put the pandan leaves in a food processor and add 3 tbsp of water and blend until smooth. Strain through fine sieve and press the juice, discard the solid. Put the pandan juice in a saucepan, add the remaining water and the sugar. Bring to the boil, then add the agar agar. Stir until dissolves. Transfer to a jar or bowl.
2. Draw the sauce into the syringe and inject into the tubes then placed in an ice water bath for 10 minutes or so to speed up setting. Once the spaghetti is set, push it out using the syringe filled with water onto a plate. Set aside.
3. To make the strawberry vanilla syrup, add the water, vanilla essence and red colouring. Bring to the boil, add the agar agar. Stir until dissolves. Put the chopped strawberries into the jelly mould, press until they are compact. Carefully spoon the vanilla syrup into the mould until 3/4 full. Put in the fridge to chill and set.
4. Once the strawberry vanilla agar is set. Prepare the strawberry purée. Put the strawberries in a food process and blend into a smooth paste. Transfer to a saucepan, bring to the boil over low heat. Add the agar agar, stir to combine and cook for 1 - 2 minutes. Spoon into the jelly mould until full. Put in the fridge to chill and set.
5. To serve, remove the strawberry agar from the mould put on a serving plate. Carefully transfer the pandan spaghetti and place around the strawberry agar.
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